Monday, August 28, 2006

Sporting Phenomena

To tell u the truth, I am not that much into sports, the only reason that I do sometimes catch up with an odd match or two, is for its pure entertainment value! (Or maybe because it’s getting more and more difficult to watch anything else with the men folk gaining monopoly over the remote!) , anyway…….the sports news these days would give a run for all the sensationalist news!
There was a time when I used to completely skip the sport section of the paper…not anymore; I start my day reading paper backwards.
It’s absolutely insane how some of these pro sports… run a billion dollar industry based on it.
Take football for instance, its so completely ridiculous to have 22 men ( pretty hot, granted!) chasing after a ball, it looks quiet silly….and then the world cup……has to be the ultimate satire.
That’s so really sad… if that wasn’t enough these people who chase the silly ball are some kind of idols! - Beckham! Oh please, I think his hairdresser deserves more credit for his popularity than himself …
Now don’t even get me started with the namma Indian Cricket team , it really makes me nauseous when I see those giggly bimbos discussing Dhoni’s latest sported haircut….so, Sports has now become a medium to be sported.
I just don’t get it, maybe I am from another planet or from another century altogether, but what exactly is so intelligent about sports!
Okay, people who play, I can understand to some extent ….but people who watch….
Hey, I aint looking to incite any controversy here, but the point is, is the whole scene worth it!
People are spending billions on building stadiums and F1 tracks, where clean drinking water and basic hygiene is still not a human right….it amazes me, are people really so conscienceless these days.
Maybe watching all that sports till their eyeballs pop out from the socket really does render them brain dead!
Whole life turns into a game with a warped sense of pseudo reality, where everything’s based on winning or losing…..and slowly the whole meaning and purpose of life fades away.
Well mate, this time, the jokes on you!

Sunday, August 27, 2006

Hostel vices, Socialogy crisis

Living in a hostel is quiet challenging....
Learning all those fundas on occupational psychology in sociology class hasnt really helped!
All those theories, models and conclusions drawn up by experts haven’t made much of Difference.
With all due respects to them, when it comes down to everyday nitty grities of life, when u are constantly at the grindstone, these theories just go outta da window .
Your whole social life depends on people around you!
True, but you choose the people around you.....before I start a theory of my own let me move on to my own hostel, where I share room with three others.
Apart from waking up every day, screaming my lungs out to get into the loo, missing the breakfast, scribbling my assignment while barely making it to the class, listening to the cheesy
bollywood music.. for the millionth time that I could almost sing it backwards , and finally if I do make it to my bunk, screaming for the lights to be turned off.......
in short there isn’t a dull moment. This can be a good or a bad thing.

Coming back to sociology, and my esteemed theorist, who spent all their lives studying the structure of some wired organization....havent quiet got it right.
Coz where people are concerned, the only principle which ever comes close to describing their behavior is 'the uncertainty principle'.
I just don’t get it, why does there always have to be a reason for every thing we do in life!
Get a life! ....there's sooooo much that we just can’t figure out, no matter what!
.. The higher you study the more confusing it gets! That way, PhD just describes the highest state of confusion!
There was a time when I would devour every book on human psychology that sure didn’t right back to square one or maybe even worse, coz I just ended up having a lot of sophisticated concepts in my head.
Back at my hostel room, climbing on to the bunk, and pulling up my warm blanket, I realize, this is what it all boils down to....being in a place completely at peace, where u get the feeling of being taken care of.